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Mallorca Real Estate Summit

Wednesday 13th March - Castillo Hotel Son Vida

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Innovation in Real Estate

The real estate sector is more in vogue than ever. The challenges facing a limited territory like Mallorca are numerous. It is necessary to find solutions for citizens' access to housing and at the same time to welcome foreigners with high purchasing power who are interested in buying homes on the island. New housing formulas such as built to rent or co-living, large rehabilitation projects, changes in the use or density of buildings and a new Autonomous Housing Law, which has already begun to be drafted and which will lay the foundations for the future, are being considered. Cities must become liveable centres for all with thoughtful urban planning that takes sustainability and recycling into account. A space where all needs find their place and where citizens feel safe and comfortable.


The Mallorca Real Estate Summit will host an array of speakers from leading companies in real estate, construction, investment, architecture and interior design.

Antonio Ballester

Antonio Ballester

Owner and CEO, Estel Ingeniería

Sergi Bastidas

Bastidas Architecture

Rolf Blackstad

Rolf Blackstad

Director & Head of Design, Blakstad Architects & Design Consultants

Susana Campuzano

Susana Campuzano

Socia Directora Luxury Advise

Jordi Castiñeira

Jordi Castiñeira

Deal Advisory Partner, KPMG Spain

Javier del Hoyo

Javier del Hoyo

Head of Tax at KPMG in the Balearic Islands

Christina Deutsch

Christina Deutsch

License Partner Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central & South

Luis Díaz

Luis Díaz

Balearic Islands Delegate and Tecnitasa Group Luxury Area Manager

Sergio Espadero Colmenar

Sergio Espadero Colmenar

Director of Consulting and Valuation of the Tecnitasa Group

Omar García

Omar García Glumaz

Caixabank Business Development Director

Jesús González Pérez

Jesús González Pérez

Director of the Chair of Urban Studies UIB

Gema Igual

Gema Igual

Mayoress of Santander

Elena Jori

Elena Jori

Real Estate Director of Home Select

Hans Lens

Hans Lenz

President of ABINI

Enrique López Granados

Enrique Lopez Granados

President and founder of Caledonian

Jaime Mairata

Jaime Mairata

CEO Industrias Mairata

Luis Martín

Luis Martín

President of the Association of Real Estate Developers of the Balearic Islands

Jaime Martínez

Jaime Martínez

Mayor of Palma

Judit Montoriol

Judit Montoriol

Lead Economist at CaixaBank Research

Mariana Muñoz

Mariana Muñoz

Founder of Terraza Balear

José Antonio Muro

José Antonio Muro

General Manager of the Tecnitasa Group

Beatriz Silveira

Beatriz Silveira

Interior designer

Marta Vidal

Marta Vidal

Consellera d'Habitatge, Territori i Mobilitat. Govern de les Illes Balears

Francisco Vila

Francisco Vila

Arabella Group CEO


A morning with back-to-back presentations, panel discussions and round tables in an ideal venue for professionals to network. A unique opportunity to learn about the sector’s reality from its key players. A unique opportunity to learn about the reality of the sector from its main protagonists.

9:00 - 9:05: Welcome

Paula SerraDirectora General de Audiovisuales, Grup Serra

9:05 - 9:35: "Present and future of the Real Estate market in the Balearic Islands, Spain and the world"

Jordi CastiñeiraSocio de Deal Advisory, KPMG España

Judith MontoriolLead Economist, CAIXABANK RESEARCH

9:35 - 10:15: "Multisectoral Dialogue. Strategies for successfully adapting to new trends"

  • New market trends
  • Impact of sustainability and digitalisation
  • Situation, news and trends in the banking sector (financing, funds, interest rates…)
  • Regulation. Housing Act
  • Taxation buyers and sellers
  • Legal aspects of real estate transactions
  • Housing crisis

Javier del HoyoResponsable de Tax de KPMG en Baleares

Omar E. García GlumazDirector Negocio Inmobiliario de CaixaBank

Luis MartínPresidente Asociación Promotores Inmobiliarios de Baleares

Marta VidalConsellera d'Habitatge, Territori i Mobilitat. Govern de les Illes Balears


Hans LenzPresidente de ABINI

10:15 - 10:45: "New Traditional Architecture"

Sergi BastidasBastidas Architecture

Rolf BlackstadDirector & Head of Design, Blakstad Architects & Design Consultants

11:15 – 11:25: "Premium & Branded Residences"

Enrique López GranadosPresidente y fundador de Caledonian

11:25 - 12:10: "Beyond Mallorca. Other territories"

  • Analysis of success stories
  • Investor/buyer profiles in different territories
  • Trends by age target

Sergio Espadero ColmenarDirector de Consultoría y Valoración del Grupo Tecnitasa

Enrique López GranadosPresidente y fundador de Caledonian

Beatriz SilveiraInteriorista

Elena JoriDirectora de Real Estate de Home Select


Pep VergerDirector El Económico

12:10 – 12:55: "Customers in the Balearic Islands, who they are, who they are and what they are looking for"

Antonio BallesterCEO & Owner, Estel Ingeniería

Christina DeutschLicense Partner Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central & South

Jaime MairataCEO Industrias Mairata

Mariana MuñozFundadora Terraza Balear


Francisco VilaCEO Grupo Arabella

12:55 – 13:15: "Premium Residential Report in Balearic Islands"

Luis DiazDelegado Baleares y Responsable Área Lujo Grupo Tecnitasa

José Antonio MuroDirector General del Grupo Tecnitasa

13:15 – 13:35: "The Premium universe in Balearic Islands"

Susana CampuzanoSocia Directora Luxury Advise. Directora del curso de Gestión Estratégica del Universo del lujo en IE Business School.

13:35 - 14:15: "Cities of the future"

  • Balance in cities
  • Price of the property.
  • Urban land. How to grow?
  • New living models (coliving, senior, built to rent)
  • Rehabilitation
  • Gentrification, tourist rental, disappearance of trade, mobility…

Gema IgualAlcaldesa de Santander

Jaime MartínezAlcalde de Palma


Jesús González PérezCatedrático de Geografía y Director de la Cátedra de Estudios Urbanos UIB
2024 Edition

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